Tips and Benefits You Might Not Know:
-Left handed people can now comfortably access the lock button and volume rocker while the phone is closed with their left thumb if they hold it upside down instead of being force to submit to the right handed overlords and use their index and middle fingers (or god-forbid their right hand)
-You can stand the phone upside down or from its sides on a desk or surface and use it without obstructing a charging cable from the usb port which you normally cannot do since the phone would only display one way when closed
-Same goes for when you have the phone in your car (don’t need to have a cable wrapping around phone from bottom to the top)
-Typing is easier on certain apps when you put the phone in landscape mode instead of top down
-You are less likely to tap the home screen/back navigation area and accidentally exit out of an app you are using if you have the phone on its side/upside down while you are typing a message or pressing on something in the bottom area of an app since the navigation area moves to the top/sides when you rotate the phone (this happens to me all the time)
-When you hold the phone with the volume controls on the bottom side, it is easier to tap the top corners of the screen to access top corner menu options/close out of things than it is with regular top down view especially if you have a case on your phone (also easier to do upside down as well)
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